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The Top 4 Things To Look For In A Janitorial Company.

Finding a reliable commercial cleaning company can be a challenge.  A quick Google search for “Commercial Cleaning Companies” yields a hodgepodge of results.  Many the search engine results are not actually cleaning companies.  For example, some are simply marketing companies posing as cleaning companies.  Examples are Vanguard, Executive Cleaning Services, and Jensen Brothers.  These companies do not provide cleaning services – they simply gather your information and find a subcontractor.  Other search engine results will be things like Yelp, Bark, Home Advisor, etc.  So, it can be a challenge to simply find a REAL commercial cleaning service.

But, once you find an actual commercial janitorial company, your work is not finished because there are all types of companies in the market. For more information on the type of janitorial companies, click here.  SO, how do you find a company that can deliver consistent results for your organization?  Below are 4 things to look for when searching for a cleaning company.

  1. Problem Solving Focus – If you have searched for, or spoken with, commercial janitorial companies, I’ll bet you have heard these things – “We have been in business for over 30 years”, “Customer service is our #1 priority”, “We use the latest technology to perform inspections”, “Our values are integrity, honesty, and innovation”. Who cares?  What is most important to you is that your problems are solved!  Finding a commercial cleaning service that understands your problems and can provide solutions for these problems is important.  Solving problems involves reducing distractions caused by janitorial issues, knowing that the cleaning company is going to have adequate staff each day, and one that brings solutions to you without your having to ask.  In other words, look for a company who understands what is causing you pain, and can relieve that pain.
  2. Local Presence – Quite simply, it is difficult to for a janitorial company to provide consistent service without having “boots on the ground”. To be clear, janitorial work is not overly complicated.  Sweeping, mopping, cleaning restrooms, dusting, and emptying trash does not require extensive training and years of experience!  HOWEVER, to provide consistent service, a cleaning company must have adequate oversight (field managers) and they must be relatively close (less than 1 hour) to your facility.  Good cleaning companies are continually inspecting work, looking for improvements, and encouraging and coaching their teams.
  3. Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) Certification – CIMS certification demonstrates that a janitorial company has undergone a comprehensive assessment by an independent, accredited CIMS-GB assessor, and has successfully demonstrated a commitment to the delivery of environmentally preferable service By implementing the CIMS principles into a commercial cleaning company can help achieve points under the LEED-Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED-EBOM) Green Building Rating System.
  4. Industry Leadership – As mentioned previously, there is a “herd” of commercial janitorial companies in the market. Look for a company who participates in the industry through association membership, gathers and disseminates helpful information, and generally cares about the industry.

Because of the internet and how easier it is to look like a large professional janitorial company, many facility managers and purchaser think that the industry is run amuck with fraudsters. Simply discovering the 4 items listed above, will allow a decision maker to make the best decision for his or her company.